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God speaks to Dr. Smith saying, “If you support foreign missions, I will bless your work”.  Dr. Smith & Sister Smith began supporting the World Missionary Evangelism organization.  Their foreign missions ministry has far exceeded their hopes and dreams and yet the vision continues and is growing even the more.  The ministry extends into East Africa, Central America, Caribbean Islands, South America, and Great Britain, in which there several churches under Dr. Smith.



There are currently over 200 Revival Center churches in Kenya.  Bishop Robert Mdzomba is the leader of the Gospel Revival Centers of Kenya, and Tanzania.  Bishop Mdzomba and Dr. Smith have been co-laborers in the ministry in Africa for over 28 years.  Dr. Smith is highly respected as the “grandfather” of the ministry.  His visits to the country each year are filled with ministry sessions on; worship, fundamental leadership, restoration, teaching on the family, words of encouragement and evangelism.



Pastor George Kilango is the father of the work in Dar Es Saalam, Tanzania.  After serving as an elder in the Nairobi church, Pastor Kilango with his wife and twelve children to Tanzania to began his evangelistic ministry.  He has struggled with an intolerant government that evicted his congregation from the church and local school where he rented the auditorium for services.  

God has blessed his faithfulness and perseverance.  There are now seven Revival Center churches in Tanzania, along with a primary school, Day Care and small orphanage.



Bishop Robert Mdzomba has started a new work in Uganda, in which he is the leader.  There are now three churches in Uganda.

The Gospel Comes To the Maasai


For many years, Dr. Smith and Sister Smith voiced their concerns to the Nairobi church for evangelizing the Maasai people.  In 2002, Bishop Mdzomba announced that there were now three churches in the Maasai community, and introduced the pastors to Dr. Smith.

Pastor Charles Melubo Ole Meliyio pastors two churches in Maasai Land.  Pastor Ole Meliyio was perfect for the job.  When asked why the Maasai?  He stated “I have heard the voice of God.  His orders were clear…”Go and tell”…for it is God’s time for the Maasai.

Pastor John Emuria Hachuka pastors the Turkana tribe high in the savannah region of Kenya.  The Turkana’s are the first cousins of the Maasai.  Pastor Hachuka modestly stated, “this is just of starter church of some 200 members.”

The Samburu are also the first cousins to the Maasai. They live in northern Kenya. The Pastor Reports that there are ten new churches. He oversees the churches of the region. During Dr. Smith visit in 2008, the pastor reported that it took him 5 hours to walk to church and a week to visit all the churches in the region. His total motivation is that he loves God and wants to spread the gospel. Dr. Smith purchased a motorcycle for him. During that year, he reported the establishment of more churches now totaling 23. In August a group of bandits attacked, his brother-in-law killed him and stole the motorcycle.  Dr. Smith purchased a new motorcycle for him and the crusade team purchased five new bicycles one for each of the Samburu pastors.

The Maasai are one of the few tribes in the world that continue to observe and practice their traditional dress and culture.  They continue to resist all government attempts to modernize them. Pastor Charles M. Meliyio is the Maasai Region Overseer and Administrative Pastor. The Kajiado district is located in the southern part of Kenya and borders Nairobi province and Tanzania. The climate is arid and the Maasai live a nomadic lifestyle. This means they must move to feed their livestock. The Maasai are deeply rooted in cultural traditions that include; female genital mutilation, early marriage, and very little education. Females are not educated beyond FGM initiation.

Water is life

There are two water wells in Kenya, one named for Dr. Smith’s mother and the other for Sis. Smith. They are Gertrude’s Well and Geneva’s Well. The first well was commissioned and dedicated on Sunday, June 24, 2007. The first well was drilled at Inkokordinga.

The second well in Namelok was commissioned and dedicated on September 12, 2008. This dedication serviced was attended by area members of Parliament and Minister for Internal Security, the Honorable Professor George Saitoti together with other government representatives from the district.

Mr. Saitati in his speech said, “I wanted to personally meet the man that loved Kenya so much that he would give this great gift its people. I had to come and meet him”.

During Dr. Smith’s visit, the Maasai report that the wells have changed for watering their entire lives. Since Dr. Smith installed electric generators, washbasins to laundry and troughs for watering their animals. The headmaster reported that the wells supply water for the region's primary and secondary schools. He boasts that school attendance has increased from 114 to 336. The church has influenced the cultural barriers also, there are now more girls attending school since there is no need to walk 5- 10 miles each day to collect water for cooking and feeding the animals.



There are twelve (12) Revival Center Churches in Nicaragua.  The headquarters church is located in the capital city of Managua.  Pastor Cordova provides the leadership for this work.  A new church was built Managua as a joint effort between the Apostolic Revival Center in Miami and the congregation in Managua.  The Miami church supplied the bricks and supplies with the congregation supplying the manpower.  The church’s dedication service was officiated by Dr. Smith and delegation from Miami in 2003.



The people of Belize have held a special place in Dr. Smith’s heart, since his early days of evangelism under his tent.  In 1963, during a mighty revival in Honduras/Belize, many souls were saved and delivered by the power of God.  But when the revival was over, Dr. Smith had to leave them with no church home.  He encouraged them to join the local assemblies in the area.  Therefore, when Pastor Vaughn came to Miami seeking financial assistance to purchase a van for transporting persons to his newly established church, Dr. Smith viewed this as the answer to a vision of someday establishing a church in the area.  Dr. Smith also conducted a revival campaign in the local stadium in1988.  Pastor Vaughn began traveling with Dr. Smith when he conducted campaigns in these countries.  He’d multi-tasked by acting as camera-man, electronics specialist, and morning or afternoon speaker. Pastor Vaughn had been invaluable in working with Dr. Smith as he expanded the ministry to the Caribbean Islands.  Pastor Vaughn passed away on September 14, 2009.




Dr. & Sister Smith began supporting a Pastor in Haiti.  God blessed them to purchase land in Leogan and build their first mission church.  Later a school was added onto the property.  The teachers taught typing, sewing and basic reading, writing and math skills.


Bishop Sylvester has been dubbed “the no-nonsense preacher”.  This is also the name of his weekly radio program, which is broadcasted every Friday night in Port of Spain, Trinidad.  The broadcast offers an open forum that fields questions from the islands of Trinidad and Tobago.  The program boast of its no-nonsense responses to the caller's questions on everything from the rapture, bible prophesies and HIV/AIDS.  

Bishop Sylvester is innovative in his approach to spreading the gospel.  The church in Port of Spain serves as a school 3 to 4 nights per week.  There are classes in computer repair, data entry, typing upholstery, tailoring, welding, and cosmetology.  The school has graduated hundreds of students who have gone on to find good well paying jobs.  The church in Valencia will follow the same format with a Day Care and primary school.


Apostle Desmond Joseph heads the work in Grenada, in which there is one church.




Apostle Desmond Joseph heads the work in both Guyana and Grenada.  Dr. Smith has intimately involved evangelism of Guyana, from the capital city of Georgetown to the coastal city of Berbice.  He has conducted campaigns throughout the country from small churches to large tents in the capital and countryside, even when it’s required traveling for several hours by ferry to preach the gospel. There are thirteen (13) churches in Guyana, South America.  Elder Desmond Joseph is currently directing the campaigns.



It has been a vision of Dr. Smith to have a church in London dating back to 1989.  Dr. Smith and Pastor Mrima were scheduled to conduct a revival campaign in London England when Pastor Mrima was killed in an automobile accident in route to the campaign.

Now some years later, the dream becomes reality.  Pastor and Mrs. James Kirika, members of the church in Nairobi Kenya have established two (2) Gospel Revival Center in London and Oxford England.  In 2000, Dr. Smith to reclaim the country that once sent missionaries to a people that they called heathen to reignite the fires of revival.

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