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Dr. Gilbert Sinclair Smith was born on July 25th, 1931 and raised in Miami, Florida. He is a strong and Godly man who has acquired much wisdom from having such a long, fulfilling, and well-rounded life. He is a dedicated husband, loving father, exceptional grandfather and a generous great-grandfather who has adapted family values from his parents. Much of his tenacity for life and character, which is known to be helpful and comical has been attributed to his father.


Throughout his young life, Dr. Smith had served in several different denominations including Catholic, Methodist, and Baptist. In 19__ after graduating high school, he joined the United States Air Force. During his time in the service, he began to have a deep hunger and desire to whole-heartedly serve the Lord. It was then that he had a dream that led him to the book of Acts 1:7-8 which reads “7. And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power. 8. But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.” He realized that he needed the power of the Holy Ghost and one week later at a revival conducted by the late Reverend Kenneth Hagin, he received the gift of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking tongues. The following Sunday morning, February 8th, 1954, he preached his first sermon entitled, “You Must Be Born Again.”


Once he left the Air Force, he brought himself a truck and a tent and he traveled around the United States preaching and teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For 12 years he was the national evangelist for the Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith.


In 1970 the Lord led Dr. Smith and his wife through a vision of a berry tree to begin the Apostolic Revival Center. The ministry began with 8 adult members and a group of kids out of the projects of Miami. Throughout the years, it has grown tremendously and its membership has flourished in the United States and abroad. Dr. Smith with the help of the Apostolic Revival Center family has established a worldwide television ministry, prison ministry, a biblical training institute, and also a great foreign mission field that contains about 200 international churches in countries that include Africa, Nicaragua, Guyana, Belize, Grenada, Haiti and many more. He has a burden for the lost souls and the needs of people across the globe.


Dr. Smith is a very humble and loving man of God. Nevertheless, he is unwavering in his faith, equipped with the gift of healing and gifted with the wisdom and riches of God’s word. He has a practical ministry and style of preaching that reaches people from all walks of life and most of all it is demonstrated by the power of the Lord Jesus Christ. 


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